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Azula's Reign - An Avatar: The Last Airbender Roleplay

Started by FearItself, October 15, 2007, 02:47:48 PM

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The topic of either of the two heirs to the throne becoming Fire Lord was always a much-desputed topic. While Zuko was the rightful heir, and the eldest and only son, he didn't have the evil mind for the job like his sister Azula had. Azula would use the power she would be given, and use it to crush the other nations, which was the goal of the Fire Nation. Though, some knew that Azula would most likely take that power to an unsafe height, and endanger them all, so some favored Zuko, regardless of being intimidated by Azula. As this despute kept being argued over the many months before the Day of Black Sun, a stunning turn of events caused the whole nation to turn to Azula.

On the Day of the Black Sun, Fire Lord Ozai was pronounced dead in his bed that morning. There were signs of pressure points being pin-pointed, suggesting Ty Lee's doing. A single dagger bore through his chest, the sign of Mai's expertise in weaponry. But, the key mark was a scar on Ozai's face, one that very much resembled the one on Zuko's face. Despite the other two key evidences leading towards Azula, the revengeful-looking mark given to Ozai after being killed made the nation believe it was Zuko's doing.

Then exiled, Zuko made a home in the Earth Kingdom, remaining under cover with another peasantly disguise of his from then on. Showing some sympathy, Mai often visited him, and when Zuko least expected it. As the two were in their later twenties, the visits were more and more frequent, up until the point where Mai and Zuko decided to live with each other. The same fate occured with Aang and Katara, as well as Sokka and Toph, as they grew on in years. But, the reason for starting families with each other wasn't merely for pride and happiness, they all knew of what was to come, judging by the fact that Azula was now in control of the Fire Nation, which would be more powerful than ever.

The Comet is returning again, this current year in history. The previous-generation Avatar characters are out of the picture, not to be roleplayed unless necessary. No Toph, Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Mai, Katara, or any of them, except for Azula when the time comes. It is up to the new generation, sons and daughters of Zuko and Mai, Toph and Sokka, and Katara and Aang, to put an end to Azula's rule. Although, Azula had gotten much stronger as a leader over the years, and her army grew tremendously. If the new-generation benders wanted to save the world, they would need to work together, but they would have to join up with each other first.

The Day of Black Sun would be re-occuring also this Summer. Though it is in the Fall season, and no where close to the Day of Black Sun or the day of the Comet's arrival, this means that our characters will have plenty of time to train, organize, get to know each other, and all that. As you well know, a new Avatar has to be reproduced in its cycle. I will reveal who the Avatar is when the time comes.

That is it for my explanation, I hope you join and enjoy the roleplay. =)


(I'm obviously too lazy to rewrite most of them, so if you're in my Pokemon roleplay, you've probably seen these before.)

-Please use punctiation, spelling, and grammar to the best of your ability. Type in complete sentences, use capitals for proper nouns and whatnot, and use quotes around speech (no asterisks ** around actions, either.).
-Like I said in the introduction, no one is to declare themselves Avatar unless I say who it is. Most likely, the Avatar will be revealed when our characters are close enough to facing Azula on the Day of Black Sun.
- When you apply for this roleplay, you are pretty much a noob bender. Let me make this clear, especially for one person in particular: you have little to no experience as a bender when you join here. Your character should be from age 9-16 as well.
-No made-up bending powers, even though I know how all of us want to be a shadow bender. You can be an airbender, but I will only allow one, which would be the son or daughter of Aang and Katara. You can, although, be elementless, like Sokka, but you must have a specialty in some other aspect, like being a warrior, assassin, etc.
-Fight bending battles fairly. Don't do the whole fight in one post and not even give the other person you are roleplaying against a chance to fight back. Take turns with attacks, or something similar, and try to be creative when you dodge.
-Have fun!


Character Profile
(You must fill this out and post it here if you want to join.)

Name: ( Your character's name. Only a first name is needed. )

Age: ( Your character's age. )

Gender: ( Your character's gender. )

Personality: (Your character's personality. )

Appearance: ( A sprite, anime picture, or typed description of your character is acceptable. )

Parents: ( Either Mai/Zuko, Katara/Aang, or Toph/Sokka. If you have any other pair in mind, PM me and we will discuss it. )

Element: ( What element do you bend? )

Weapons: (If any. You are limited to three small weapons (darts and such as small as that), two medium-sized weapons (like katana), or one large weapon (like a really big sword).)

Other: (If I left anything out, feel free to add it here)


Ken (Marluxia)
Nerina (FearItself)
Monlithos (Dr.Hobo2)
Turaga (Felldohs_Wrath)
Xanthos (Triforce_Luigi)
Farnor (Gamemasterdevil)

Transient Link

Name: Ken

Age: 16(sorry i changed I decided I wanted something closer to my own age)

Gender: male

Personality: Cocky and strong. Very loyal to those he cares for

this but with 2 katanas :)
Parents: Mai/ Zuko

Element: FIRE BE-ACH!!!!!!

Weapons: 2 katanas with dragons ingraved on the steel :O
Other: Nope you didnt


I have a question before I decide if I'm in or not.

Do I need to have watched the 2 seasons? Because I saw some episodes, and I have a general understanding of the plot, characters, etc.

Do I need to be an expert on Avatar to fully enjoy this RP? Thanks for answering. :)

Spongebob does not approve


Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on October 15, 2007, 03:35:26 PM
I have a question before I decide if I'm in or not.

Do I need to have watched the 2 seasons? Because I saw some episodes, and I have a general understanding of the plot characters, etc.

Do I need to be an expert on Avatar to fully enjoy this RP? Thanks for answering. :)
And to add to that, which one had the earth-bending powers?


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 15, 2007, 03:36:42 PM
Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on October 15, 2007, 03:35:26 PM
I have a question before I decide if I'm in or not.

Do I need to have watched the 2 seasons? Because I saw some episodes, and I have a general understanding of the plot characters, etc.

Do I need to be an expert on Avatar to fully enjoy this RP? Thanks for answering. :)
And to add to that, which one had the earth-bending powers?

Oh, Toph did. ;)

Spongebob does not approve


Name: Nerina

Age: Fifteen

Gender: Female

Personality: Nerina follows the calm, cool, and collected attitude she got from her mother. She is serious in most situations, even when they're meant to be funny, so she is often referred to as a kill-joy. Nevertheless, the seriousness pays off when a serious situation or decision falls upon her. Even if something is drastic, she'll ease her way through it, and not lose her cool.

Appearance: Ugh.. I'll have to find a better picture of her later.

Parents: Aang and Katara

Element: Water

Weapons: Like her mother, Nerina was able to receive a container of water from the Spirit Oasis at the North Pole, known to have special healing powers. Her mother only showed her the technique once, but when Nerina practiced it with her, the healing power seemed to have been transferred genetically. She doesn't have any other weapon besides that and a pouch she keeps on the opposite side of her waist from the spirit water's jug, one a bit bigger than the spirit water's container, but filled with natural water instead, to be used for bending.

Other: Nerina has a companion animal, named Mika.


Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on October 15, 2007, 03:39:11 PM
Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 15, 2007, 03:36:42 PM
Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on October 15, 2007, 03:35:26 PM
I have a question before I decide if I'm in or not.

Do I need to have watched the 2 seasons? Because I saw some episodes, and I have a general understanding of the plot characters, etc.

Do I need to be an expert on Avatar to fully enjoy this RP? Thanks for answering. :)
And to add to that, which one had the earth-bending powers?

Oh, Toph did. ;)

Yep, Toph did. =)

You don't need to be an expert, you just have to be able to follow along with the plot and know what you're doing. xP


Name: Monlithos

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: He's a lot like his father Sokka. Very cocky at most times but when it comes to a battle, he prefers to fight alone. (Cookie to whoever can see the relation to his fighting trait and his name. ;))

Appearance: Just like Sokka but with green clothing.

Parents: Toph/Sokka

Element: Earth

Weapons: A large stone sword (almost up to his neck from top to bottom) that he can use earth bending to make it most any other weapon he wants.

Other: Um...Not really...But where do we all start?


Uuuh...seeing as all the parent combinations were taking,can I be an original character?


Ooc// Marluxia and DH2, you're accepted.

We all start in different locations this time, based on where you think your character's parents settled down in terms of a city or nation. For instance, I'd probably start in the North Pole, while you may start in the re-constructed Ba Sing Se, and Marluxia may start somewhere in the Fire Nation.


Quote from: Joeofmars on October 15, 2007, 03:56:36 PM
Uuuh...seeing as all the parent combinations were taking,can I be an original character?
Ooc// You can still join as a kid of one of the parent pairs. It isn't impossible for people to have brothers and sisters, you know. =P

Transient Link

Quote from: FearItself on October 15, 2007, 03:56:54 PM
Ooc// Marluxia and DH2, you're accepted.

We all start in different locations this time, based on where you think your character's parents settled down in terms of a city or nation. For instance, I'd probably start in the North Pole, while you may start in the re-constructed Ba Sing Se, and Marluxia may start somewhere in the Fire Nation.
ooc// wouldnt it be that im from ba sing se since you said zuko settled down there?


Quote from: MARLUXIA on October 15, 2007, 03:58:16 PM
Quote from: FearItself on October 15, 2007, 03:56:54 PM
Ooc// Marluxia and DH2, you're accepted.

We all start in different locations this time, based on where you think your character's parents settled down in terms of a city or nation. For instance, I'd probably start in the North Pole, while you may start in the re-constructed Ba Sing Se, and Marluxia may start somewhere in the Fire Nation.
ooc// wouldnt it be that im from ba sing se since you said zuko settled down there?
Ooc// Well, you don't necessarily have to be in Ba Sing Se, but yeah, you're right, you'd start off in the Earth Kingdom too. Maybe you and the sons/daughters of Toph and Sokka would be the first to meet up. We're all supposed to form one big team once we meet each other.