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Life is Strange

Started by JrDude, February 09, 2017, 03:09:27 AM

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Has anyone played it?
I beat it a few weeks ago, and for some reason, it's still on my mind.
I loved the game. It was fantastic, at least in my opinion.
The ending of the game was predictable in almost everything it did, but even with it being close to being obvious on what the choices were going to be, I still found the final choice difficult. In the end, I chose to look through the photo.

Basically, if you've never heard about it, it's a Point & Click adventure game, with a similarity to The Walking Dead (game) in which you make choices, which effect the story in many ways. The main twist that this game throws into the mix is, you can Time Travel. If you don't like the immediate outcome of a choice you made, you can rewind, and see if the other option is better. Sometimes, you learn things by making the wrong choice (sometimes the right choice isn't an option yet, because you don't know the answer naturally), so you can reverse time and then make the right choice. However, even though you can go back in time, it only works for the time you're in the area. Basically, any area transition blocks you from rewinding back before that.
Call the school bully a ninny? Well, you can change it, rewind, maybe console her? or leave to the next map, and lock in the decision forever.
The story is, there's a storm/tornado about to destroy your city by the end of the week, and you somehow have to stop it. How? Play the game.
But that's kind of brushed under the rug and saved for episode endings and the main focus of the last episode.
Main story is, a random girl you saw in the bathroom just got shot, you being protagonisticy save her with your brand new powers to reverse time. She ends up being a friend you lost touch with and your side-kick of the game. There's a missing girl, and you're trying to figure out what happened to her, and what's going on around the whole city, because, besides the storm, something fishy is going on.
There's also a focus on taking your time. Not only can you reverse time, but you can take as long as you want to make a decision. There's also many places to just sit down, listen to some inner monologue about what's happened recently, and take in your surroundings.
Also, there's a large focus on taking pictures. Collect them all!
Dude .


i generally avoid these types of "games"

they aren't games really


Quote from: Zero on February 09, 2017, 03:43:16 PMi generally avoid these types of "games"

they aren't games really
I understand why you would think this, and though I disagree, this is still a fun time.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude on February 09, 2017, 11:10:52 PM
I understand why you would think this, and though I disagree, this is still a fun time.

You can disagree with a fact all you want bud doesn't change reality. I forget the times we live in though. I can be trans-species and poop.

Life is Strange demonstrates a recent trend in gaming that I hope dies.


Double posting because I can this forum gets next to no activity anyway get intercourse ed


These "games" are lazy and cheap to make. You need animators and the like, but actual "designers" are not found here and if they are they are hacks that have no game ideas so they make a Choose Your Own Adventure video game. These are games that could be played by your DVD player and they would certainly fit better there. You don't need a controller. Or a mouse. They're interactive movies and you're all getting ripped off. If you enjoy video games you should recognize the threat these games represent. They're easy lays and are one symptom of the disease running rampant in this industry. With that said,...

I was gifted some on Steam, and I worked my way through them. They were TellTales The Walking Dead games. I like the story and the characters. The path I took was interesting and I felt I made some impactful choices where others were pretty weak. Had I paid money for this I would've been mad off at how little gameplay there is, but I still liked the series and want Season 3. Will probably buy it for extremely cheap at some point now that I'm invested.

I feel like they have a place in the industry but really wish they weren't so intercourse ing popular and really wish that people didn't hype them up as video games when they review them as movies in the end. They almost always get good scores and their gameplay is ALWAYS ignored. These "games" are some of the best rated games in the industry and they have little gameplay. Other games don't get evaluated this way its ridiculous. If you don't think this is a problem then you are the problem.


I never liked these "games" either really. Nothing against the story, art, and whatever, but if I wanted a movie or book I'd just get a movie or book. Video games can be used to convey stories well and whatnot, but for me immersion has to be more than having a good story. The beauty of video games, in my opinion, is in participation; to be in the action.


Quote from: Zero on February 10, 2017, 11:02:00 AMYou can disagree with a fact all you want bud doesn't change reality. I forget the times we live in though. I can be trans-species and poop.

Life is Strange demonstrates a recent trend in gaming that I hope dies.
Well, if you want a fact, that means literal.
"A game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen."
Which is what you do in Life is Strange, as well as in The Walking Dead (I love that game too. Eagerly waiting for more episodes in Season 3). Both Video Games, by definition.
They may not do what you would like a Video Game to do, but then you're not talking about facts anymore, but your own personal opinion (which you displayed as fact).
Dude .


Quote from: Zero on February 10, 2017, 12:31:20 PMDouble posting because I can this forum gets next to no activity anyway get intercourse ed


These "games" are lazy and cheap to make. You need animators and the like, but actual "designers" are not found here and if they are they are hacks that have no game ideas so they make a Choose Your Own Adventure video game. These are games that could be played by your DVD player and they would certainly fit better there. You don't need a controller. Or a mouse. They're interactive movies and you're all getting ripped off. If you enjoy video games you should recognize the threat these games represent. They're easy lays and are one symptom of the disease running rampant in this industry. With that said,...

I was gifted some on Steam, and I worked my way through them. They were TellTales The Walking Dead games. I like the story and the characters. The path I took was interesting and I felt I made some impactful choices where others were pretty weak. Had I paid money for this I would've been mad off at how little gameplay there is, but I still liked the series and want Season 3. Will probably buy it for extremely cheap at some point now that I'm invested.

I feel like they have a place in the industry but really wish they weren't so intercourse ing popular and really wish that people didn't hype them up as video games when they review them as movies in the end. They almost always get good scores and their gameplay is ALWAYS ignored. These "games" are some of the best rated games in the industry and they have little gameplay. Other games don't get evaluated this way its ridiculous. If you don't think this is a problem then you are the problem.
They are easy, and the worst part about them is that these games are released in an Episodic format, which usually allows them to charge a bit more, because some will pay per episode, as opposed to buying the season pass. Although, the full game/season pass USUALLY isn't that expensive. In the very few I have played (Walking Dead 1, 2, Michonne, 3, & Life is Strange), they aren't as expensive as most "real" video games. How much are movies? To go see a Movie in Theater is quite pricey, and you only get it once. Sure it's on a big screen, but is that REALLY going to make a difference in the long run? (I still see Movies this way sometimes, but more as a way to start social stuff before/after the movie with friends) What about buying movies for home? They still make DVDs, regardless of Netflix and every other Movie Streaming sites, and people still buy them. But easy or not, they're still enjoyable.
Which is why I love video games. Even if multiple playthroughs can be similar, they are almost never the same (unless you're a speed runner or something). You can do things differently. In this choose your own adventure style of game, you can change multiple dialog pieces as well as cutscenes themselves with different options done earlier in the game. To most people, dialog changes isn't THAT big of a deal, but to me, that's like finding all of the Blue Coins in Mario Sunshine. You often know the result isn't THAT huge, but as a completionist, you love getting to the end result of having everything. Now, for these kinds of games, I doubt I'll ever see/hear EVERY single dialog piece that can come up, but it's still nice to hear MORE of them, and not just by YouTubing it, but by obtaining it myself.
However, no matter how much I like these types of games, I don't get a lot of them. I do want more in my video game playing a lot of the time, but it's a fun time, and I'll probably be doing more in the future, but most I'll just watch it on YouTube if I'm curious enough.
Dude .


Quote from: Super on February 10, 2017, 06:09:31 PM
I never liked these "games" either really. Nothing against the story, art, and whatever, but if I wanted a movie or book I'd just get a movie or book. Video games can be used to convey stories well and whatnot, but for me immersion has to be more than having a good story. The beauty of video games, in my opinion, is in participation; to be in the action.
This. I want a challenge. I want to get my balls rocked. Otherwise I'd watch something.


If they were reviewed as the interactive movies that they are I'd give them less poop but as things stand I recognize the problem that they are.


i like heavy rain
i really don't like playing these games, but my girlfriend doesn't mind playing them and i like watching. I also don't like point and click games or w/e
if she decides to play this one i will watch

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


I would make a new thread, but I don't see why I should, as this one got barely anything, which means it's prequel would probably get even less.
But a prequel has recently been released. And I have to say, it was a LOT of fun.
They took out the key gimmick of being able to travel through time, but that's because the focus was on the side-kick of the first game, before the first game. Instead, you can do timed challenges where you must argue your way to victory.
Fantastic game. Would recommend if you ever try the first, to get this prequel.
Dude .


I get why the Tumblrinas love it, and I also get the hate.

There are a couple very good Choices Matterâ„¢ ethical dilemmas in the game.
The red herring is pulled off well.
Polarized (episode 5) is a mental clusterintercourse  rivaling that of Lost or Fringe.
If you are interested in psychiatric disorders, they're pretty much all on display in this game, and most of them are pulled off competently.
Despite being Tumblrbait, limited amounts of SocJus (at least in the basic season; can't speak to the prequel.) The only thing it really likes to preach about is bullying.
S/S relationships which are present but are not made a big deal about.

Indietrash music is intercourse ing horrid.
Chloe comes across as a writer's pet.
It's a walking simulator.

Personal recommendation: Rent or check out from library.


Quote from: PrivilegedYoshi on January 12, 2018, 06:19:44 PM
I get why the Tumblrinas love it, and I also get the hate.

There are a couple very good Choices Matterâ„¢ ethical dilemmas in the game.
The red herring is pulled off well.
Polarized (episode 5) is a mental clusterintercourse  rivaling that of Lost or Fringe.
If you are interested in psychiatric disorders, they're pretty much all on display in this game, and most of them are pulled off competently.
Despite being Tumblrbait, limited amounts of SocJus (at least in the basic season; can't speak to the prequel.) The only thing it really likes to preach about is bullying.
S/S relationships which are present but are not made a big deal about.

Indietrash music is intercourse ing horrid.
Chloe comes across as a writer's pet.
It's a walking simulator.

Personal recommendation: Rent or check out from library.

i don't know poop about this game
i thought the blue hair girl would like cool music like the misfits or between the buried and me

what are you telling me they listen to tegan and sara, owl city, and bright eyes?

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Custom on January 14, 2018, 02:34:30 PM
what are you telling me they listen to tegan and sara

of course they listen to teagan and sara
they're lesbians

More seriously, Chloe (blue-haired chick) listens to punk rock; the indietrash music is just used as ambient soundtrack like it would be in a chick flick movie.