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E3 2011 - June 7th

Started by DededeCloneChris, June 01, 2011, 10:49:40 AM

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He was in some of the older games.


Quote from: Nayrman on June 07, 2011, 02:45:21 PM

He was in some of the older games.
Pitch the bird was better.


My Wii U will be able to outsmart Jeopardy players!


When he started his speech about incorporating "You" into the name, I said "Are they really going with this?"

I kind of like the name now, though. It's easy to say. It's more powerful than the PS3, or so I've heard.

The time between now and Holiday 2012 is going to be like the Gamecube in 2005 and 2006. Skyward Sword and Kirby is all that is left. Hey, at least the 3DS is starting to be good.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Nayrman on June 07, 2011, 12:38:12 PM
How come the site has more trailers Nintendo, why didn't you show any of this at the, ya know, SHOW?

Well, Kirby Wii looks like, well, a Kirby game. Oh, and MORE 4 player co-op. Ok, I'm getting kind of tired of this to be honest. And Mario Party 9 actually looks pretty ok. The series really just needed to disappear for a while.

New Kirby Game?


Quote from: Tupin on June 07, 2011, 06:34:41 PM
When he started his speech about incorporating "You" into the name, I said "Are they really going with this?"
It's better than having coffee. I dislike coffee.


Day 1: Well, that was alright, Rayman Origins and Skyhawks look cool, and yay for Halo and Sly 4s! I wonder what Nintendo will pull tomorrow...
Day 2: New Skyward Sword trailer that actually shows new stuff, Four Swords for FREE on DSiWare, Kid Icarus 3v3 gameplay, Luigi's Mansion 2, Wii U, HD Zelda beauty, Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS. I almost can't breathe from the awesomeness.

Best E3 ever.


Since E3 has still two more days to go, there could be more video game announcements. I want to see if there are any news about Tales of the Abyss for the 3DS.


Some Wii U info from Nintendo's roundtable:

Discs will have up to 25 GB of data
Controller will not be sold separately from the console


The only things I am looking forward to for the rest of E3, besides demos of already-shown games, are Sonic Generations (common, Adventure 1/2 levels!) and Kingdom Hearts 3D... although that second one isn't on Square's schedule, so it would have to be a surprise, and I doubt it'll make it.

Quote from: Axelayer on June 07, 2011, 08:55:46 PM
Controller will not be sold separately from the console

I have a theory that we will only use one per console, due to tremendous costs, and multiplayer games will involve using Wii controllers for everyone else, as seen in the trailers and playable demos.


Nintendo new console look like a Xbox 360 lol. But srsly, looks rather interesting. So far, there's only one game that I want for the console while the 3DS have a nice lineup for this year. Smash bros for Wii U and 3DS? Hell Yeah! Sonic Generations have City Escape of awseomeness! Mario Party 9 actually look good. Super Mario 3DS, Kid Icarus, Kirby Wii U knew that already. I hope to see more from Nintendo today.


So the official name is Wii U?
Not bad.
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