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3DS Friend Code Database

Started by Custom, March 27, 2011, 01:04:45 PM

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SkyMYL - 4253 - 3482 - 4560
Custom - 3308 - 4557 - 9286
Mutilator<Seven> - 1805-2166-1090
Chris - 0001 - 3312 - 3941
Zero - 2578-3128-2517
Tuppy - 1418-6708-0623
Neerb - 3308 4587 7068
Cornwad - 4940-5463-9492
Nyar - 2234-7170-2614

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!



Can we please use this for all online stuff not associated with a game in particular? That'd be great.


"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."



Chris - 0001 - 3312 - 3941

Yes, triple zero. That's neat.


My 3DS is currently in the mail. :D


If someone can fill me in on the pros I might reconsider getting the 3DS sooner than later.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


As a note, I am now adding EVERYONE

Quote from: FruitFlow on March 27, 2011, 03:50:07 PM
If someone can fill me in on the pros I might reconsider getting the 3DS sooner than later.
I say hold off on it since there's not any really good launch titles other than Super Street Fighter IV.

...or wait for the redesign.


Definitely wait until the best of the best arrive. The internet browser and the Nintendo eShop are going to be distributed through updates...someday.


Alright then.
I guess I'll wait until the first-parties are released.

Or DK64 3D!
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


The good stuff will start pouring in after...June.


Which would be the end of this year's CN year.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."



Quote from: Mutilator7 on March 27, 2011, 06:47:17 PM
I added everyone as well.

health and safety information is my favorite title too

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!