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Drunk People

Started by DededeCloneChris, July 23, 2009, 11:46:56 AM

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Ugh, I can't stand drunk people at all. I don't understand why beer is so good either. Drunk people are just retards who lose half of their IQ and act like imbeciles around other people.

Question is, do you drink beer? If not, do you hate drunk people?

I explained already. I CANNOT stand them at all. Drunk people get more chances to die in a car accident anyway.


You'll understand when you're older and your entire life falls apart.

Anyway, I don't drink.

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!



I don't mind being around drunk people.
I never had a bad experience with one myself, so I can't really say anything bad about them per say, but I know that they can get annoying and cause some trouble.

As far as Beer is concerned....
I don't drink it....... it's nasty and it's bad for you of course.
LOL but I remember drinking my 1st beer when I was 4 years old......

When I go out, I prefer not to drink....... BUT if I do, it's only with friends and because we are all having a good time. I know when to stop...cause usually I have to drive home and I don't want to cause any accidents. :P

Over all, I believe I have a better time with out drinking.
My motto and 1 of my morals when it comes to drinking, " You don't need to drink to have a good time. ".


It depends. It can be funny if they're just walking around acting like an idiot.
But it annoys me if they start getting in my face.

And no, I don't drink. D:


Why so much hate?
Because someone drinks too much doesn't make them evil, and people get drunk different ways.

Don't generalize like that.

Personally, I have not nor will I ever drink.
Just a choice I've made... we'll see if I stick to it.
I can never be a designated driver, but I just don't want to drink.

Gwen Khan

last weekend I went to visit my older sister, (and pick up my younger sister at the airport) and we went to her friends birthday, the two of them started drinking right away leaving me to be the designated driver, much to my annoyance, I wanna get drunk too!

Dog Food

I drink occasionally. When it comes to beer, that's mainly for party games. Once beer gets warm it no longer tastes that great. If I don't down it while it's still cold it is impossible for me to finish it. As for other more "fruity" drinks, like margaritas and martinis (oh and that Spanish wine, Sangria), those I drink just because they taste good. I love laying out by the pool with a Mike's Hard Lemonade and some music in the background. In my opinion, alcoholic beverages usually taste so much better than soda or water.

I'm not a hardcore drinker and have never gotten trashed. But 'Water' or 'Juice' Pong wouldn't be quite as fun. It's all in the name (contrary to what our good friend William Shakespeare once said). Besides, in the games of Beer Pong I've played, we've conserved beer by only using one or two bottles to fill the 24 cups. So each cup would only be a quarter full, and I'm amazing at that game so I rarely end up drinking anyway.

When it comes down to drunk people, I can't say I hate them. If someone drinks enough to get drunk, fine. Why can't they have some fun? Not that you need it to have fun, but it can really loosen someone quickly. Of course, there are certain kinds of drunk people that I can't stand. For starters, people who think they're okay to drive after heavy drinking. Then they go and kill someone, or run into a building that costs thousands of dollars to be repaired. If you're going to drink, be responsible.

Secondly, the drinkers who go out, then come home in a drunken rage and beat up their loved ones. A Child Called It captures the horrors of what happens to a family under this circumstance. Also, people who, when under the influence, do horrible things like rape, steal or kill would fall under this category. When people drink, it shouldn't be because they are in mourning or trying to calm their nerves, that's when it becomes a need, an obsession. That's like a smoker who needs a cigarette to calm their nerves, or someone who abuses their pills (like House). I think drinking should be saved for a little fun with friends, or some wine to celebrate a promotion or other happy events.

Thirdly, I don't like binge drinkers. They don't drink, then they go out and kill all their brain cells in one go. When you do something like that and just drown your body in alcohol, it can't be good. That's much worse than sticking to a glass of wine every night or a bottle of beer to relax after work. Going to a party every weekend and getting buzzed (and occasionally going a little over) is fine in my opinion, but binge drinking is like deliberately going down a road to destruction.

Basically, when you abuse it is when drunk people can get annoying. The kind that pass out and wake up the next morning in their own urine. Like that author from A Million Little Pieces, in a nutshell. But if people are having a good time at a party with friends and get drunk, why should I hate them? Unless it is apparent they are ruining their or someone else's life with it, I'm fine with it, and do it myself on occasion.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.

Friendly Hostile

Depends on the type of drunk.  Some people aren't fun to be around drunk, but most folks are.  It also boils down to how drunk.  Spending time with people who are totally smashed when you're sober isn't much fun (can be though, again, depending on the type of drunk).    I don't really drink, but I'm not bothered by people who do.  I am bothered by people who feel the need to go out simply to get smashed, instead of just going out to socialize, have fun and drink a little.

Captain Justice

Drunk people can be amazingly funny, but some are intercourse ing annoying.

Apparently I'm a funny one or a chill one depending on how much I drank. I usually keep it under control, and I've only got sick from drinking too much once (righ when I started drinking). I don't really like to get completely hammered very often......I mostly just like a buzz.
Quote from: Talim on September 04, 2009, 05:26:53 PM
Yesterday, sort of. I was on the verge of crying. Why? I got into an argument with a couple other people from #nsider and it got me really upset. I didn't really cry much though
Quote from: Tsumaru on September 20, 2009, 11:29:22 AM
Can we ban Hoss, please?

Titus Andronicus

Drunk people are annoying when you're sober. I hate being the sober poop hole at parties, but occasionally I just don't feel like drinking.

My experiences with alcohol, however, have generally been pretty good. Nothing like a couple guys chilling in an empty house singing songs at the top of your lungs playing card games. Easily one of the best nights of my life.
Tramps like us, baby we were born to die.


I've never personally been drunk, or even drunk beer. Drunk people...are just unpleasant. I'll probably drink a little bit when I turn 21, but I won't become a heavy drinker.
Besides, a drunk admin would be disasterous. :D


Silver, we don't have to worry about that. You wouldn't find the keyboard.

As for myself, I don't drink. (lol 13)

Drunk people can be funny, but some are just fags.

Friendly Hostile

Quote from: JNFS2014 on July 23, 2009, 04:13:14 PM
Drunk people can be funny, but some are just fags.
So some of the people you know start lusting after the same sex when they get drink?  They might want to look into that, and maybe reconsider a few things.


Eh. Beer is okay. :| I like wine better though. Something more dry and sweeter.

Although- Since you guys don't understand why... People drink.. /Turns on her scientific side.
But the reason why people drink beer is mostly because of the fact its a "stress reliever."

Alcohol alternates the levels of neurotransmitters... Which is the "little messages" to your brain that control your thought processes, behavior and emotion. Meaning- Beer slows the process of the little chemical transmitters- Allowing you to physically/emotionally/thoughtfully relax. Like forcefully without even trying-All you need to do is consume the alcoholic drink. Everyone goes through a lot of stress- So drinking even a bit of alcohol can literally calm down your nerves. 
Though- And of coarse there's a certain level where you should stop before you use ALL control and your thought process and make your little neurotransmitters dead- Which teens don't normally understand. =A=;

But really alcohol isn't really bad for you. Its just that a lot of people take advantage of it and become stupid and lose all control. And in the long run if you consume too much then yeah- It will damage your brain. But using it as a stress reliever once and awhile is fine.

Plus when you consume a small amount regularly - Like a glass light crisp wine during dinner or something- Can give you a lot of health benefits...
Like for example.... Alcohol contains a high-density lipoprotein or HDL... AKA GOOD CHOLESTEROL. Which can help with your blood steam and lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.

A bit of alcohol can be good for you theres many more research about this. But- I'm just a small child. =u=;;; I don't know much other then this through my research one day when I was curious in the library.

Coarse- As we all know. Overdoing the drinking can have a very bad effect. But overdoing ANYTHING is always bad.


Quote from: Viveeanne on July 23, 2009, 05:20:33 PM
Eh. Beer is okay. :| I like wine better though. Something more dry and sweeter.

Although- Since you guys don't understand why... People drink.. /Turns on her scientific side.
But the reason why people drink beer is mostly because of the fact its a "stress reliever."

Alcohol alternates the levels of neurotransmitters... Which is the "little messages" to your brain that control your thought processes, behavior and emotion. Meaning- Beer slows the process of the little chemical transmitters- Allowing you to physically/emotionally/thoughtfully relax. Like forcefully without even trying-All you need to do is consume the alcoholic drink. Everyone goes through a lot of stress- So drinking even a bit of alcohol can literally calm down your nerves. 
Though- And of coarse there's a certain level where you should stop before you use ALL control and your thought process and make your little neurotransmitters dead- Which teens don't normally understand. =A=;

But really alcohol isn't really bad for you. Its just that a lot of people take advantage of it and become stupid and lose all control. And in the long run if you consume too much then yeah- It will damage your brain. But using it as a stress reliever once and awhile is fine.

Plus when you consume a small amount regularly - Like a glass light crisp wine during dinner or something- Can give you a lot of health benefits...
Like for example.... Alcohol contains a high-density lipoprotein or HDL... AKA GOOD CHOLESTEROL. Which can help with your blood steam and lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.

A bit of alcohol can be good for you theres many more research about this. But- I'm just a small child. =u=;;; I don't know much other then this through my research one day when I was curious in the library.

Coarse- As we all know. Overdoing the drinking can have a very bad effect. But overdoing ANYTHING is always bad.
That explains why my Dad went to the hospital after he drank too much beer.