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Started by Kilroy, April 17, 2009, 02:57:13 PM

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<IdleRPG> Sync: Level 33 tempest dragonzombie; Status: Online; TTL: 0 days, 05:34:51; Idled: 6 days, 15:25:29; Item sum: 253



(2:11:28 AM) Light|Sick: whoo
(2:11:35 AM) Light|Sick: I'm about a third of the way done with my project
(2:11:39 AM) Light|Sick: and I need to be done
(2:11:39 AM) Light|Sick: in
(2:11:41 AM) Light|Sick: ...
(2:11:43 AM) Light|Sick: four horus
(2:11:44 AM) Light|Sick: horus
(2:11:46 AM) Light|Sick: horus
(2:11:48 AM) Light|Sick: housr
(2:11:50 AM) Light|Sick: hours
(2:11:52 AM) Light|Sick: there
(2:11:53 AM) Light|Sick: hours
(2:11:58 AM) Light|Sick: I new I could do it
(2:11:59 AM) Light|Sick: kknew
(2:12:00 AM) Light|Sick: kenw
(2:12:01 AM) Light|Sick: fduosafhoudfhoiufd
(2:12:02 AM) Light|Sick: fipohdsapofhd
(2:12:02 AM) Light|Sick: fdsjaf
(2:12:03 AM) Light|Sick: dsaofjoafj
(2:12:04 AM) Light|Sick: af
(2:12:22 AM) Light|Sick: ;-;


and another one for good measure:

(2:17:04 AM) Matt|IDK: that made me laugh so hard I almost poop myself
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.



"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Gen 1: 11/149
Gen 2: 10/98
Gen 3: 8/126
Gen 4: 16/100
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.

Lohn Jocke

bargo the bikdips grand day out!
a story by andrew york, a game by joshua adams.

chapter 1

once there was a dude named bargo. ... well he wasn't a 'dude' per say. he was a strange creature. a simple yellow ball with a happy face and 3 eyes that were formed in a triangle. his eyes were nothing more then white circles. anyway you probably knew that all ready. bargo was rolling around aimlessly for 13.926 seconds when he stumbled upon a weird looking portal. 'help me! help me!" the portal said. so bikdip rolled into the portal. after what seemed like 2,387 years, he woke up in ... a strange place. he saw a cave nearby, so he rolled into it. the only thing in there was a guy. the guy browned, "You might need a sword. here take this crappy one.' so bikdip grabbed it and held it above his head with his imaginary arms. when bikdip looked back the guy had imploded, and thus was a goner. bikdip morned the loss of his new friend for exactly -5 seconds, then rolled out of the cave and back into the sunlight. bargo wanted to try out his new sword, and found a small squid like thing. he jumped in the air and cut the octorock in two! the octorock sploded into a puff of smoke and bargo choked on it. note to self, don't inhale octorock smoke. after wandering around for a while, bargo found another cave. but it was blocked by an octaganal shaped boulder. just the right size for bombing! so bikdip pulled a bomb out from ... uh ... where ever bargo stores those darn things, and layed it next to the rock. when bargo set down the bomb the fuze lit imediatelty and asploded. luckly the bomb didn't seem to harm bargo at all. neat, huh? inside the cave was a small square room, that had a door on the oppisite side of the room. after going through the door he was in a fairly identical room. after 6 years, he found a wall he could walk through. because, you know, it was so obvious thats what your supposed to do *cough*. in that room was a staircase that lead down. bargo rolled down the stairs and went down a ladder that was at the bottom of the stairs. that makes alot of sence. *cough.* any way there was a candle that had blue flame, so bargo took it. no matter how hard he tried the candle did not go out. when bargo blew on the candle all the stupid thing did was shoot fire out like a flame thrower. but for some reason when he blew on it, it would not let him blow fire again until he went into another room. again, logic. *couuugh.* after some more exploring he found him self face to face with two small feral dragons! bargo beat the dodongoes easily by force feeding them some bombs. bargo walked into the next room, and in it he saw a small golden triangle. on the triangle was inscribed "1 of 8. collect them all to get tickets to the next laker game!" bargo was a big fan of the lakers and decided to try to find the rest of the golden triangle things.

chapter 2. "what's up, dock?"

after even more wandering around bargo came (he-he, came) across a long winding dock. at the end of the dock was a small island, so the dock was more of a bridge. anyway, at the top part of the island was a staircase, and bargo went down it. another dungeon! after exploring this one, bargo came across another room that had an item in it. it was a small wooden raft. on it was a note that said "made from lava resisitant wood" bargo yellow'd "oh thats handy!" after EVEN MORE WANDERING bargo hit a red-glowing-skull, and his sword seemed to grow over 9000 pounds! he was forced to fight off some bats with out the aide of his gay wooden sword. how does a wooden sword kill anything anyway? pokes them to death i guess. *shrug.* bargo pwnt teh bats and poked at a blue skull, some how takeing the weight off of his sword. bargo then found him self face to face ... with a dragons ass. ok! bargo poked at the aquamentis's head for a while until it died. bargo rizzoled into the next rizzoom and colected the golden triangle! 2 of 8. bargo was then discombobulated and recombobulated and was out side of the dungeon.

chapter 3 "brown+tan=browntants"

bargo had kept on rolling ... on ... until a four headed plant like thing appeared for no reason! it was a 'manhandla' bargo took it out with a well placed bomb, wondering why such a strong thing was here. after it exploded, a large sheild had appeared where the manhandla was. bargo hated the crappy one he had now, so he ate his old sheild and grabbed the new, bigger one. his old sheild turned out to be just a cardboard circle that had "free sheild, limit one" printed on it. the new one was metal, and a funk of a lot better in general. after some more ... thinging, bargo found yet another stair case. another dungeon? after reading the sign, he found out that this was a 'mini-dungeon.' after going through it there was a guy that looked alot like the other guy that had imploded way back in chapter one. anyway, he said: 'take this better sword for all your troubles", then he imploded as well, and thus he was no more. bargo took the sword and used it to chop his old, gay, retarded, faggoty, stupid, useless wood sword up into tiny, old, gay, retarded, faggoty, stupid, useless wooden pecies. after some more doing, bargo found a very strange building. 'welcome to the secret club!" said theperson. "there are 6 secrets hidden all across the land! the clubs aren't secret enough to require a password to keep out, say, 'sandman hoosainee." one is closer than you think! :)' bargo noticed that most of the floor was brown, exept for one blue tile near the left wall. the wall right infront of that tile was a phoney. bargo walked through the wall and found the first secret room. at the end of the room was a door. bargo bravely entered it. bargo found a secret code! "justinbaileyisreal2041" bargo had no idea wtf he was supposed to do with it so he just left teh gay code there. in short, bargo found the 3rd dungeon. when he looked around, he found out the dungeon was a foresty theme. because 'tan' and witherd trees really say 'forest.' *cough*. bargo found this dungeons item, a magical braclet! when he slid it on his wrist-that-wasn't-there, he found that he could 'push' heavier stuff. bargo left the dungeon to find things to push and wound up getting the bow and arrows, and a mirror sheild. he even got a big rupee bag. knee. e. e. e. e. e. eat. anyway the boss of dungeon 3 was just a lame spider that died very easily. blah blah blah triforce blah blah blah teleport; end of chapter.

chapter 4...ish

level 4 was so short and pointless, im not gunna talk about it. the olny thing i'll mention is that the boss was a 3-headed gleeok.

chapter 5 'insert title here'

let's recap on all the items bargo haz. without using commas. yey. whitesword bluecandle mirrorsheld raft tamborine mediumrupeebag justinbaileyisreal2041 bowandarrows bombs ladder. when bargo went into the dungeon, a guy told him that any wrong turn in this dungeon would take him back to the very start of the level. dude, that's so evil! is. anyway bargo found a maaaagic wand! when he swung it, it shot out a wave of energy. bargo also found a "library," but it only had one book in it. the book only had one page. the page only had one word. "fire!" when bargo read that word aloud, his wand shot out fire when ever the wave of energy struck an object. ...i'm not exlapaining that one. anyway, this level was just a huge screw you, so I'M saying screw you and ending this chapter with out telling you what the boss is. *cough2manhandlascough.*

chapter 6 'PIE'

bargo found a secret club room. but the moblin inside wanted way to much moneeeeeh. so bargo murderd him. =D meh, all that was in it was the lens of truth. bargo found a dick shaped rock. after walking up the tip, and going down the stairs, there was an awful invisible maze littered with red and blue bubbles. he got through it and found anoter small cave with a dude told bargo to take the lame item that was a magic boomarang. woot. level 6 has a theme. if you ever need to check anything, its always the middle one in the left colum. bargo foundededed a room where the blocks formed the word "fie!" in it. bargo pushed a block and made it say "pie." now he could move on. then bargo found the ock-o-ree-na. he used it to beat the dig and dog diggdogger bosses. he got the 6o8 peice, too :)

chapter 8. "it's over!'"

bargo rolled on into a glichy forest. //3L(0M3 +0 TEH 4REST O' CRAPPINE55! bargo got a seziure from all the flashing trees and bad graphics and died.

The End. :)

no. serioiusly. its the end.

stop reading!

...i don't want to type any more!

*sighs.* fine.

(the rest of) chapter 8. "ihaveherpies"

so bargo got a fire boomarang and met a 12 headed gleeok. wait WHAT? holy crap! there is NO way bargo can possibly win this fight.

The End.

oh wait, after 5,940,826 years, bargo managed to beat it without getting hit. woah. after burning a garbo's eye, bargo found him self in a desert. then bargo died of dehydration.


ok, mabeh not. bargo played his little flute and a stairs appeared. in the dungeon, there were herpies. bargo did NOT get any and was sad. :( the dungeon had all sorts of hard bosses in it. bargo beat them all! as for the actual boss of the level...was another 12 headed gleeok. what. the. hell. while bargo was figting it, in a paralell universe, on a planet called earth, there was a man named joshua adams. he wanted to shoot himself in the head because no one would leave him alone EVER. bargo beat the gleeok and got the triforce. he was not telepotred out of the dungeon this time. odd. so bargo tried out the boss rush and won! :) he got the maaagic sword! he was then out of the dungeon! or not. poop.  the level keeps going D: eh, it just leads to anoter exit.
-     -

chapter 8. "the 8th chapter"

any way level 8 has...stuff in it. its ...dumb and...bad and...cake...bargo found the red candle, finnaly. and the maaagic key. it makes all locked doors useless. the boss room had manhandlas, dodongoes, and yet another 12 headed gleeok. poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop! bargo barely won. o: bargo got all 8 peices! bargo can now turn into super sonic!!! (not really) bargo waited egarly to get his laker tickets. :)

...nothing happend. what the hell?

chapter 9. "the final countdown"

bargo heard the cry for help again and followed it all the way to level 9. NINE? ohshi. bargo heard the voice ask him to beat gannon. SO HE DID. after gannon was dead, the voice turned out to be princess zelda. zelda was about to give bargo his laker tickets when...

To be continued in: bargo's adventure II: electrick boogaloo!


Your musical compatibility with jlnfrtn is Very High

Music you have in common includes The Mars Volta, Modest Mouse, Tool, Swans and Aphex Twin.



( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \ 一二三。。・゜゜・。。・゜❤}。々°)ノ


(9:04:26 PM) Light: you are disproving the reflexive property of equality
(9:04:36 PM) PsychoYoshi: yeah, i know
(9:04:39 PM) PsychoYoshi: i'm that awesome
(9:04:40 PM) Light: :U
(9:04:45 PM) Custom: no srsly the theater is gay
(9:04:47 PM) Light: but aside from that
(9:04:49 PM) Custom: i'm not going to lie
(9:04:53 PM) Syzothermy: that's for objects, not sets
(9:04:53 PM) Light: I'm still not sure if I want to major in theater
(9:04:58 PM) Light: I'm pretty sure I want to
(9:05:02 PM) IceFlinger: Why would you
(9:05:08 PM) PsychoYoshi: good luck finding a job, darling <3
(9:05:12 PM) IceFlinger: ^this
(9:05:13 PM) NintendoMan74: You'll have to minor in fellatio.
(9:05:13 PM) Light: But I'm also into screenwriting and computer animation
(9:05:14 PM) JMM: i know for a fact practically every guy in theatre/dance/arts is gay
(9:05:16 PM) Light: so, yeah.
(9:05:16 PM) NintendoMan74: xD
(9:05:20 PM) JMM: but not every man
(9:05:24 PM) Custom: NM, that is true.
(9:05:29 PM) Light: NM, at least I wouldn't be majoring in it, like you are.
(9:05:36 PM) IceFlinger: AAAAAHAHAHAHA
(9:05:38 PM) PsychoYoshi: OH SNAP
(9:05:39 PM) NintendoMan74: at least I'm taking it
(9:05:42 PM) IceFlinger: ...
(9:05:43 PM) JMM: /slam
(9:05:43 PM) Light: ...wat
(9:05:44 PM) IceFlinger: what
(9:05:45 PM) NintendoMan74: instead of giving it
(9:05:46 PM) Syzothermy: what
(9:05:48 PM) ***Custom facepalms
(9:05:53 PM) IceFlinger: ...
(9:05:54 PM) Doodle: hey good job
(9:05:58 PM) NintendoMan74: fellatio
(9:05:59 PM) NintendoMan74: not anal
(9:06:04 PM) Syzothermy: ..
(9:06:05 PM) ***Custom facepalms harder
(9:06:12 PM) ***PsychoYoshi is laughing
(9:06:14 PM) PsychoYoshi: so
(9:06:16 PM) PsychoYoshi: hard
(9:06:17 PM) PsychoYoshi: right now
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.