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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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"Well, I don't wanna chance running into Shaelyn again, so I think I'll just move on to Floaroma."

Ooc// I forgot about Fleetwing. :'( Let's say I returned him to my pokeball. :P

Spongebob does not approve


Shaelyn slowly eased herself down off of Shawn's back, turning around to face the source of the voice. The young man had a creepy sound to his voice, but she shook it off. She was still disgusted by the fact that she was in a Team Galactic uniform since her brain cells had returned to their normal thoughts instead of Galactic-influenced ones.

"What do you want to talk about?" Shaelyn asked, placing her hands on her hips. She wasn't going to be that patient right now because she really wanted to catch up with Martin and Boogie again. First of all, she wanted to apologize, and she needed to get that device off of Martin's neck and destroy it. Shaelyn didn't want him suffering the same mental struggle she did, just because she planted that device on him when she was evil. She was certainly back to her normal self now.


Ic// "But then again..... I need to make sure Josh is alright.......You know what? I'm going back. Will you acompany me?"

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"Yeah.We need to get out.We need to make sure she doesn't find us."Boogie and Shantae got up and walked out of the hospital."Though what if she finds us?Should we really go back for...Josh?Who's Josh?"

OoC//Remeber,Boogie didn't get his badge from Josh.


Ic// "Oh, he's the gym leader. I need to find him."

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"Actually kid, talk to Shawn. He's the only one here that is a part of Team Galactic." Shaelyn said with an almost stunning change of tone. She looked to Shawn, a bit of anger in her eyes. She wasn't mad at him, she was just angry at the team in general, and didn't appreciate the fact that she was taken advantage of when she was in a weak state a little while ago. Her ribs still hurt of course, but she could make her own choices now, and her first choice was to quit Team Galactic.

Pretty much tearing off the uniform, Shaelyn revealed that she had in fact kept her original clothing underneath the uniform. She had always been cold when it wasn't cold outside, so she usually would wear layers when others didn't. Shaelyn left the dissheveled uniform on the ground, untying her hair from the ponytail and letting it flow down to its comfortable spot resting on her shoulders. A slight grin returned to her face as she tied her red bandana around her head, starting to feel like herself again.

"Now, to make things right." Shaelyn said with a slight bit of pride from what she had just done, giving Shawn a spiteful grin as she began to walk towards the entrance of the cave. Hopefully Martin and Boogie will accept me... I'm back to normal now. she thought to herself, the thought of them not wanting to speak to her again starting to make her grin disappear.


Inside the pokemon center, John held the pokeball Zig had stolen from the Aqua grunt. He had done research on various things before becoming a trainer, and he happened to read out that pokeball. While it may have been an evil contraption, it was a marvel of science as well.
All trainers should know that once a pokemon has been captured, it was immune to other pokeballs. However, this ball overrode that and caught the pokemon anyway. The lock was a simple device, but infinitely more effective than a masterball. The ball was made of a mixture of something that only its inventor knew. It was extremely durable though. The ball used a type of hypnotism to make the pokemon obedient. The only draw back to the ball, was that if it was destroyed, the pokemon caught with it would no longer obey. That wasn't much of a problem though, as it was nearly indestructible from the outside.
Imagine what I could do with this... I could capture any pokemon I come across, trainer's or not. But I'm not that mean..... Am I?

OOC// I'll try not to make the pokeball have to much of an impact on the rp. By the way, does anyone know what to call it?


OoC//The Redunculus Ball.

Yup...I used Marluxia's word!


Avion looked at Terra suprised, he then calmed down.

"Terra, don't worry, I wont get mad, tell me about it." said Avion calmly
Terra cleared her throat
"You see, a long time ago, before I met you, I was a member of Team Magma, along with my sister, Amber." said Terra

Avion was shocked to hear this he never would have thought of Terra to be a former member of Team magma, but he regained himself and replyed.
"why where you in team Magma?" asked Avion

Terra seemed releived that Avion didnt get mad, she continued.
"You see, me and my sister where almost always orphans, since we where very young, and we always supported eachother, but you see we ran out of money....we needed a source of was the only way we could support ourselves..." said Terra

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Zaroff just then noticed that Martin and Boogie had left. "Do'h! I need to pay attention more often." He ran off to where Martin and Boogie were. Now why are they going to the cave?...Oh yeah! Josh!


Shaelyn walked away from the scene where Shawn and the mysterious young man were conversing. She walked right up to the entrance of the cave and just stood there, feeling rather awkward, considering that Martin and Boogie were heading right towards where she was standing. Her expression changed drastically, turning into a slightly guilty look as she rubbed her arm with the opposite hand in embarassment. I hope they will atleast talk to me... she thought, guilt in her expression.


Zaroff saw Shaelyn and got a bit tense sensing a battle coming but then he realized something. Hey, she doesn't have a Galactic uniform. Does that mean she's back to normal?


Martin noticed that Shaelyn was standing at the entrnce, wearing her normal clothes. Hmmmm......Strange...

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"Hey..." was all Shaelyn could manage to say, her eyes on the ground. She felt as though they didn't even want to look at her, so she gave them the courtesy to not look at them either. Even though she was out of the uniform, they probably still had their doubts about her. Do they know I was being controlled? she thought.


"Hey...Are you okay?" He said a little worried with this sudden change in additude even though he barely knew her.