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Soul Calibur. It's a pretty cool game/series

Started by Dawei, July 07, 2008, 01:07:45 PM

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For those of you who don't know, This is the url to the official SC4 site. And even if you don't really care about it, go there anyway. Or I kill you.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the game. I'm going to purchase a 360 soon and this game will be one of the first I get. Namely, because of this site, run by Namco Bandai (publisher of the game for those who are slow). By doing activities and quizzes and stuff you can get points to turn in for the game. I recommend you guys all join and say Samus1212 referred you (it should already be filled out, but just incase). There is also the fact that Yoda would kick Vader's ass in a fight anyday.

Discuss the awesomeness of SC/4 here.


Quote from: Gaitorbait208...I was about to have to Veritas Est Fortis your mom...


Getting PS3 version.
Oh please...Vader > Emporer
Since Yoda couldn't beat the emporer therefore Yoda is inferior to Vader
*hooray our nerdiness*


I love Soul Calibur!

I remember the GC version of 2 had Link. And I saw that Yoda is in 360 game and Vader is in PS3...and the apprentice from the Force Unleashed is in both


Quote from: thunderhero4 on July 07, 2008, 05:41:08 PM
I love Soul Calibur!

I remember the GC version of 2 had Link. And I saw that Yoda is in 360 game and Vader is in PS3...and the apprentice from the Force Unleashed is in both
I'd rather have Darth Maul than that Sith wannabe X_X;;
Only good thing about Ep1.
But seriously SC is getting a bit overboard with the "special" characters
Link: At least he FITS the game. Sword, shield, warrior...perfectly fine!
Heihachi: In a fighting game/owned by Sony. Fine, but I'd have preferred someone else X_X;;
Spawn: WTF?!
Yoda/Vader: Cheap licensing ploy so people will buy it (I'd buy it without the characters, Vader is just an added bonus to me)
SC5: I'm going to take a shot in the dark and guess...POWER RANGERS!



Now there's even another guest artist's character appearing. This one has a giant club thing as her weapon.

But what I want most is the character creation system. Favorite aspect in any game that has it.


It's a pretty awesome series, but it can be frustrating sometimes how you can spend hours learning a character's moves yet still lose to someone who just button mashes.

I own Soul Calibur (Dreamcast) and Soul Calibur 2 (Gamecube). I've played the third one, but don't care too much about it. It's too bad SC2 removed the ability to see moves demonstrated by a computer, with the button combos and everything, during practice mode.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.


according to Q-man (the guy in charge of rumors at EGM), a certain pasty, dual-blade wielding Spartan is going to be on the PS3 version.
It's just a rumor tho but it'd be AWESOME if it were true XD


Quote from: Nayrman on July 07, 2008, 05:59:45 PM
Quote from: thunderhero4 on July 07, 2008, 05:41:08 PM
I love Soul Calibur!

I remember the GC version of 2 had Link. And I saw that Yoda is in 360 game and Vader is in PS3...and the apprentice from the Force Unleashed is in both
I'd rather have Darth Maul than that Sith wannabe X_X;;
Only good thing about Ep1.
But seriously SC is getting a bit overboard with the "special" characters
Link: At least he FITS the game. Sword, shield, warrior...perfectly fine!
Heihachi: In a fighting game/owned by Sony. Fine, but I'd have preferred someone else X_X;;
Spawn: WTF?!
Yoda/Vader: Cheap licensing ploy so people will buy it (I'd buy it without the characters, Vader is just an added bonus to me)
SC5: I'm going to take a shot in the dark and guess...POWER RANGERS!
I second that :|


I love soul calibur.
I have played every game except for 4....

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


I never really got into SC.
I mean, I played SCII with my friends (when I was forced to), and it was okay.

I don't plan on buying a SC in the future.
Haikus are easy.
But sometimes they don't make sense.