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New World ~ A Semi-lit Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay. (Open)

Started by Light, October 02, 2007, 06:22:40 PM

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Quote from: Nils_13 on February 05, 2008, 09:20:44 PM
Ryaku stepped outside, the breathing in the salt air.

((Ryaku is 15))

Mori stepped out as well, his amber eyes glistening from the sun's reflections. "Let's go see Elder Whiscash," the blue turtle said with conviction.


Shane smirked. "Wonderful to have you hired for me. I have no doubt your talents will come in use for our goals." The Gengar suddenly became serious. "You are aware of PokeRock's performance tomorrow night, aren't you?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Um...sure, let's just say I do." He said a bit nervous but then gave a little smile. "Just kidding, I just wanted to play around for a moment there. I've heard about the concert."


"Our job is to keep PokeRock from performing tomorrow," Shane said, paying no attention to Mark's "joke". "I have a score to settle with Kaku, and I wish for my revenge to be fast and fulfilling. However, there is a group of Pokemon that have proved to be a nuisance. I'm afraid they might interfere. Tonight, you shall meet with another of my men outside their base. You will then take them into custody. If they resist," Shane stepped closer to Mark, so that there was but an inch of space between them, "do not hold back. Understood?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Yes, sir." He said in a much more sereous tone but then quickly returned to his normal, mischeivious voice. "So when do I start?"


Wolf and Leslie enter the cafe that seems to be the place where tons of rescue teams hang out.

Leslie pulls up a seat and indicates Wolf to get another one for himself.

"So what's the meaning of this Les?" Wolf asked, stretching in his chair.

"I think we need to start a rescue team, you know, a team to rescue the pokemon that are in need." Leslie replied.

"And why should we-"

"Can I take your orders?" A Jigglypuff waitress asked, pen with a piece of paper in hand.

"Umm, I'll have the Sea Kingler Pizza with a...Miltank Moo Juice." Leslie answered.

"I'll just have some Poke Cola." Wolf said.

"Ok, your orders will be just in a few!" The waitress said happily.

Wolf twitched his ears that motioned toward the mountains in the far east, near Mt.Freeze

"I don't know about me, but something tells me something bad is being plotted there." Wolf thought.

"Something bothering you Wolf?" Leslie asked.

"No, no no, nothing is wrong. Anyway, continue on with this...proposal."

"Well, I always have dreamed of helping Pokemon, and I think it would be a great help to everybody around here!"

"Well, maybe it won't be that bad."

"Of course not! So, what do you say?"

"Hmm....................oh fine! Whatever, we'll do it! Consider it done Les!"

"Oh Wolf, that's great news! We'll have to head over to the Post Office to pick up our Starter Kit."

"Alright, and look, here's our food."

"One Sea Kingler Pizza, Miltank Moo Juice, and Poke Cola served! Enjoy!" The Jigglypuff announced happily.

As Leslie began taking fast bites out of her pizza, Wolf casually drank his Poke Cola and kept glancing at Mt.Freeze.

"I need to get up there soon."


"For now, stay hidden," Shane commanded. "Do whatever you want until the sun sets. After that, get into position." The Gengar then told everything he knew about the base and where to set up to the Sableye.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Oh...alright." Mark said walking off after the conversation dissapointed that he'd have to wait. Patience wasn't his greatest friend. He went off even further into the forest and started cutting down random trees using his Shadow Claw attack.


Shane smiled as Mark left. Kekeke... that went better than expected... He then heard the falling of trees in the distance, and the smile dropped from his face. Though, I could have told him to be a little more inconspicuous.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


After Wolf and Leslie finished their food, Leslie payed for the meal and they both headed towards the Pelliper Post Office. They walked in and noticed that the booths were a bit high. Leslie tried to raise herself up and said,


"What do you want amigo?" A Pelliper rambunctionsly said.

"Um, we are starting a rescue team-"

"Go ahead and fill out these forms!"

Wolf and Leslie wrote info down and signed some places until it got to a part where it said, "Team Name"

"What are we going to call it?" Leslie asked.

".........I know. It was a name I gave to one of my necklaces, it was a wolf fang with a fire blazing around it. It was called, "Flammo Cannisus", which meant, "Flame Wolf Fang."

"Well how about we call our team name, "Fire Fang"?"

"I like it Les."

So Wolf wrote "Fire Fang" on the blank line, folded it in half, and gave it to the Pelliper.

"Thank you, here is your starter kit."

The Pelliper handed them a box, inside were a couple of headbands, two rescue badges, and a few oran berries. Leslie smiled at Wolf and said, "Well, let's get to work!"


Along the way back to their new base, Wolf spotted a Squirtle heading towards a lake. "What is he up to?"

Wolf told Leslie to meet him back at the base, and that he'll catch up on ahead. Wolf ran towards the Squirtle and was about to call to him when he tripped over a stone and fell into a hole to the right of the cement.



Ic// Blast was walking around the town. He was bored, and was looking for something to do.

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Wolf was in serious pain, he hit his kneecap on the rocky floor in the hole and could not stand up alone.

Well this is just perfect, he thought. I was going to be on a rescue team and now I'm the one needed to be rescued.

Wolf looked back and didn't see the Squirtle in sight. When he turned around, he noticed a Zangoose, walking around the town.

"HEY! HEY YOU! HELP ME! GET ME OUT OF HERE PLEASE!" Wolf shouted to the Zangoose.


Blast heard the cry for help. He looked around, at first he didn't see anything. He started running to where he heard the sound. Still, nothing. Then, he looked down. He saw a pokemon down in a hole. Not really sure what he should do, since he wasn't on a rescue team, he called down to make sure the pokemon was alright.

"Are you okay?" He yelled.

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"I think so, but I think I broke my kneecap." Wolf said with pain.

"Can you get me out of here?"


Blast looked inside his explorer kit. He did have some rope. He tossed it down to see if it was long enough. "Can you reach it?" He asked.

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