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Funny things that have happened to you or funny things you have done

Started by DSWiiMaster42, May 08, 2008, 02:31:03 PM

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Well, there are a lot here.

One time before bed, I had a killer stomachache (I don't mean killer as in trying to kill me), so I sat down on the toilet but I couldn't poop, so then I decided to go to bed. As I was walking toward my bedroom, my stomach started hurting again and so I ran back and I finally poop.

In December 2007, my little brother was constantly annoying me with a singing reindeer toy we have that sings a portion of Jingle Bell Rock in a high-pitched voice. He'd knock on my door, then I would open it and he'd press the button on the reindeer that makes him sing. Then the 3rd or 4th time I opened the door, while the reindeer was singing, I threw it across the hall and when it hit the wall, it stopped singing. It was like this: JINGLE BELL, JINGLE BELL, JING-- *hits wall* :D

When I was 6 or 7 (can't remember how old I was), I peed in the sink. I have no idea why I wanted to do that, but I did it anyway.

Back in Christmas 2002 (it was on Christmas day after noon I think) when we were driving home from our grandparents' house, I was playing with the instruction manuals that came with the GBA games I got (plus I even got the GBA that Christmas), and I was pretending that the characters shown on each instruction manual were fighting each other.

I might continue later.

Thanks to mackormoses for this badass sig!

SSBB friend code:1719-2939-0479
Characters I use: Ike (mostly), Sonic, or Captain Falcon
If you want to battle, please PM me.

Xbox Live gamercard: SegaSonic127

YouTube channel: (my old account got deleted)


On the old Lego Harry Potter sets (The very first.), I showed my older brother the back of the head of the Mini-Professor Quirrel. His comment, "Thanks for spoiling the movie for me!"


me and my bud melted cheese on one of the school vents, and the next day the school stank horribly.

don't know if it was us though :\

Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

SteamID: Lazylen


k i have alot

first me and thunderhero4 were playing super smash bros melee the final event match,, where you fought giga bowser ganondorf and mewtwo. Anyway they all had one stock left, i got a pokeball and i tossed it, electrode came out. It was about to blow when giga bowser picked it up, tossed it at me and i died. Me and brandon who had no idea this could happen looked at the screen for a moment than said....Oh...My...God..HE PICKED UP ELECTRODE! *Laugh laugh laugh*

2nd, I was with magnumsonic and we were doing kingdom hearts, i looked at him and said, so the blacks are heartless and whites are nobodies *Might have gotten them mixed up* anyway magnum looked at me and said yep! Racist

another was with thunderhero4 again. He has a few dogs, and one of them has a collar that beeps when you hear a loud noise, we were playing some game on the wii and somone beat me or i died or somthing and i little MOTHER Than the dogs collar went beeeeeeeep

Another was just a few days ago, with magnum and my friend michael, and my friend julie (I love her so much :D) anyway julie said she wanted a ps2, i was like hey ill buy that for ya np, than magnum said, oh so youll buy julie a ps2 but you wont buy me a wii, than michael said oh yea you need a wii, and i said what do you mean, he already has 2 one in his mouth one in his ass.

One just happened today, this commity thing came to our school and was giving out frisbee's, i took one and me my friend austin and my friend tyler were throwing it around, tyler stopped for a minute to play his gameboy micro, so he was looking down playin it right, so I take the frisbee and i toss it at austin, but it shifted off course and nailed tyler right in the balls, It was hilarious.


You think all of those are funny :|.

The only one remotely funny was the 2nd one.
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LOL, a lot of times, when anybody goes and gets something out of the trunk of my grandma's car, when they close it, I hit the button so it pops open again. :D

It's hilarious because they don't have a clue why the trunk keeps getting popped open. :D


*cracks fingers*

Back in these old apartments I used to live at, my dad and I lived in the second story of the building.  We had a window which was missing the screen.  One night while my friend was staying the night, for some reason we got a "brilliant" idea.  My friend pulled her pants down and sat on the window sill.  I grabbed into her arms and helped her lower her ass out the window, where she then took a piss.  The next day we went outside to look, and there were yellow streaks on our downstairs neighbor's window.
...Dunno why we did that.  I think we hated them.

Another day, my friend and I had a cheesecake and soda-pop food fight.  The entire apartment was covered in cheesecake, and the front door was soaking with soda-pop on the outside.

Another night, my friend and I streaked through the sprinklers and freaked-out when we saw my friend's dad standing outside. 
ALMOST got busted.  Thankfully he didn't see us.

ANOTHER night, my friend and I were just playing through the sprinklers during a summer night.  I kicked one of the sprinklers and broke it.  No water was coming out, so my friend and I were just staring really close at it.  All of a sudden it went "FWOOSH!" and started GUSHING water out.  My friend and I then started jumping through it, around it, what have you.

One time when I was chasing my kitten around my room, I wasn't paying attention.  She ran to my closet, and as I ran after her, I was watching the floor and not where I was going. "WHAM!".  Slammed my face into the corner of my closet.  I had a nice cut going up my chin, upper-lip, and nose. 

I slapped my step-mom's ass all the time whenever we went to the store.  Also tried to hump her with a cucumber once.

My friend bent her over the conveyor belt at the cashier and started humping her and slapping her ass and yelling "OH BABY!" in front of the whole store.

One night when my friend and I were sitting outside, we saw a group of people playing some game.  My friend and I rushed into my bathroom, grabbed a Tampon, and poured ketchup all over it.  While hiding behind some cars, we whipped the tampon at them.

My friend and I mooned a church bus, and some guy waved at us.

I convinced my EX BF to hop a fence.  It was one of those metal fences with the spikes at the top.  He climbed up it, was kneeling at the top, and when he finally went to jump, his pant leg was caught on one of the spikes.  Went head-first into the cement, and just BARELY missed the curb.
Revenge is just so sweet.  Mwahahaha.

There are many other stories.  Just too lazy to type them all.



Quote from: Redpaige13 on May 09, 2008, 05:22:07 AM
*cracks fingers*

Back in these old apartments I used to live at, my dad and I lived in the second story of the building.  We had a window which was missing the screen.  One night while my friend was staying the night, for some reason we got a "brilliant" idea.  My friend pulled her pants down and sat on the window sill.  I grabbed into her arms and helped her lower her ass out the window, where she then took a piss.  The next day we went outside to look, and there were yellow streaks on our downstairs neighbor's window.
...Dunno why we did that.  I think we hated them.

Interesting idea....

Another day, my friend and I had a cheesecake and soda-pop food fight.  The entire apartment was covered in cheesecake, and the front door was soaking with soda-pop on the outside.

Chocolate cheesecakes with strawberries would've made it more entertaining.

Another night, my friend and I streaked through the sprinklers and freaked-out when we saw my friend's dad standing outside. 
ALMOST got busted.  Thankfully he didn't see us.

You would've been killed on the spot, had he seen you.

ANOTHER night, my friend and I were just playing through the sprinklers during a summer night.  I kicked one of the sprinklers and broke it.  No water was coming out, so my friend and I were just staring really close at it.  All of a sudden it went "FWOOSH!" and started GUSHING water out.  My friend and I then started jumping through it, around it, what have you.

The sprinkler wanted revenge.

One time when I was chasing my kitten around my room, I wasn't paying attention.  She ran to my closet, and as I ran after her, I was watching the floor and not where I was going. "WHAM!".  Slammed my face into the corner of my closet.  I had a nice cut going up my chin, upper-lip, and nose.

So did the kitten. 

I slapped my step-mom's ass all the time whenever we went to the store.  Also tried to hump her with a cucumber once.

What the crap, that's insane! It was in public?

My friend bent her over the conveyor belt at the cashier and started humping her and slapping her ass and yelling "OH BABY!" in front of the whole store.

WTF!? O_o; I actually didn't get if your friend was doing it to herself, or the cashier or something. O_O;

One night when my friend and I were sitting outside, we saw a group of people playing some game.  My friend and I rushed into my bathroom, grabbed a Tampon, and poured ketchup all over it.  While hiding behind some cars, we whipped the tampon at them.

Was it one you were wearing?

My friend and I mooned a church bus, and some guy waved at us.

That's new. >_<

I convinced my EX BF to hop a fence.  It was one of those metal fences with the spikes at the top.  He climbed up it, was kneeling at the top, and when he finally went to jump, his pant leg was caught on one of the spikes.  Went head-first into the cement, and just BARELY missed the curb.
Revenge is just so sweet.  Mwahahaha.

So close to a bulls-eye. XD

There are many other stories.  Just too lazy to type them all.

Awww....maybe next time.
Read the italicized. ;O_0;


Quote from: Darklink on May 09, 2008, 05:01:45 AM
You think all of those are funny :|.

The only one remotely funny was the 2nd one.
You must have no since of humor, and you must be dull not to post any of your own so dont criticise mine. If you were talking about mine, you dont quote so its hard to tell.


Quote from: Allegretto on May 09, 2008, 02:48:37 PM
Quote from: Darklink on May 09, 2008, 05:01:45 AM
You think all of those are funny :|.

The only one remotely funny was the 2nd one.
You must have no since of humor, and you must be dull not to post any of your own so dont criticise mine. If you were talking about mine, you dont quote so its hard to tell.

No, his, why would I quote the original post.
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Quote from: Darklink on May 09, 2008, 02:50:51 PM
Quote from: Allegretto on May 09, 2008, 02:48:37 PM
Quote from: Darklink on May 09, 2008, 05:01:45 AM
You think all of those are funny :|.

The only one remotely funny was the 2nd one.
You must have no since of humor, and you must be dull not to post any of your own so dont criticise mine. If you were talking about mine, you dont quote so its hard to tell.

No, his, why would I quote the original post.
K, confused >.> :)


Quote from: Allegretto on May 09, 2008, 02:53:48 PM
Quote from: Darklink on May 09, 2008, 02:50:51 PM
Quote from: Allegretto on May 09, 2008, 02:48:37 PM
Quote from: Darklink on May 09, 2008, 05:01:45 AM
You think all of those are funny :|.

The only one remotely funny was the 2nd one.
You must have no since of humor, and you must be dull not to post any of your own so dont criticise mine. If you were talking about mine, you dont quote so its hard to tell.

No, his, why would I quote the original post.
K, confused >.> :)

It's fine. I just suspected that people would know I meant the OP if I didn't quote.
..._.....____________________, ,
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Quote from: Darklink on May 09, 2008, 02:56:35 PM
Quote from: Allegretto on May 09, 2008, 02:53:48 PM
Quote from: Darklink on May 09, 2008, 02:50:51 PM
Quote from: Allegretto on May 09, 2008, 02:48:37 PM
Quote from: Darklink on May 09, 2008, 05:01:45 AM
You think all of those are funny :|.

The only one remotely funny was the 2nd one.
You must have no since of humor, and you must be dull not to post any of your own so dont criticise mine. If you were talking about mine, you dont quote so its hard to tell.

No, his, why would I quote the original post.
K, confused >.> :)

It's fine. I just suspected that people would know I meant the OP if I didn't quote.
K, ill remember that from now on :|


This just happened today. I was at Gamestop looking for Jet Set Radio Future, and I looked through the shelf of old Xbox games (all of which were used of course), and I couldn't find it (it was there in a 2-in-1 bundle package with Sega Rally GT and JSRF, but I didn't notice because the USED sticker was covering the JSRF logo so all you could see was the J). So I asked the person working there "Do you have Jet Set Radio Future?", and he looked it up on the computer. Just so I could ensure that he wasn't a dumbass, I asked him "Do you even know how to spell it?", and me and my dad both thought that was funny.

After we bought that and Blue Dragon (which was only $30 so I had to buy that too), when we got in the car, we told my mom and little brother what I said to the person working there. ;D

Thanks to mackormoses for this badass sig!

SSBB friend code:1719-2939-0479
Characters I use: Ike (mostly), Sonic, or Captain Falcon
If you want to battle, please PM me.

Xbox Live gamercard: SegaSonic127

YouTube channel: (my old account got deleted)


Quote from: DSWiiMaster42 on May 09, 2008, 04:17:48 PM
This just happened today. I was at Gamestop looking for Jet Set Radio Future, and I looked through the shelf of old Xbox games (all of which were used of course), and I couldn't find it (it was there in a 2-in-1 bundle package with Sega Rally GT and JSRF, but I didn't notice because the USED sticker was covering the JSRF logo so all you could see was the J). So I asked the person working there "Do you have Jet Set Radio Future?", and he looked it up on the computer. Just so I could ensure that he wasn't a dumbass, I asked him "Do you even know how to spell it?", and me and my dad both thought that was funny.

After we bought that and Blue Dragon (which was only $30 so I had to buy that too), when we got in the car, we told my mom and little brother what I said to the person working there. ;D

That is such a great game!

What happened to me today was, Me, my friends Chris,  Nathan d, Nathan R and Levi were all going to race down my schools hallway, anyway we started charging down but nathan R slipped turning the corner and slid super fast and nailed his face on the wall :p