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Perfection Incarnate: A Kingdom Hearts RP

Started by Dr.Hobo2, April 05, 2008, 03:05:39 PM

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Max Headroom

After being in the cave for a bit, Mira noticed something. A door? Mira walked over to the door and examined it.


"Yes, but after what happened with Organization XIII, I'm not sure if he's still around." He said looking towards Sora.


Sora looked back and forth between the two.

"Oh, I think he is still around," replied Ienzo. "He went into Sora, but I say he is probably just... Dormant..."

Max Headroom

Mira tried to open the door. Where the hell is the doorknob?


"Well...I suppose you never know." Benvolio said.


"Suppose so," said Ienzo. "Now what?"

"We could see Yen Sid," suggested Sora.


"Hm...Yeah, surely he could help us with this." Benvolio said.


"So lets head to the station!" said Sora.


"Alright." Benvolio said walking to where the station was.

((I'm g2g now for bed. Bye. :)))


((K. Good night.))
Sora and Ienzo began walking to the Station.


Boogie finished off the last of the heartless. "We did it guys!" He said happily as he jumped in the air. He looked around. "Guys? Where are you guys?"

(( You guys suck >_> ))


Moki had been leaning against a tree near Boogie. "They went to the Land of Dragons or something," he told him. "I saw them go that way." Moki pointed in the direction the others went. "If we travel quickly, we could probably catch up to them."


"No... no. It's OK." Boogie said to the person who had talked to him. "I... don't really want to go with them anymore, anyway."

Boogie left without letting the other person say anything. He turned a corner, not really knowing where he was going. He bumped into someone.

"Oh!" He said starting to look up, "I'm sorry."

The person was in a dark robe, Boogie couldn't make out his face.

"They left you." He said in a deep dark voice. It was almost... scary to Boogie.

"Huh?" Boogie replied.

"Those people that you were fighting with. They left you. They lied to you."

"Yeah... they used me like a pawn, and made me fight off those heartless! And... wait, how did they lie to me? They just left... I guess, because they really didn't know me. Oh well, no one... ever really likes me.

"The one in white lied to you. He said he is the incarnation of good, he is in fact, the evil one."

"How do you know?"

"I am Perfection Incarnate, I am in fact the good one. I fought him so long ago, but he switched our bodies in a desperate attempt to win."

"That's horrible!" Boogie said in a loud voice.

"I know. I seen you fighting, you are very good, do you wish to help me defeat him?"


"Then follow me."

Perfection Incarnate opened a dark portal out of nowhere, and he and Boogie stepped through it.

(( You don't mind if I control P.I. do you?  ;D ))


((Well...just don't do it again without my permission. I'll take over now.))

Benvolio made it to the station and looked back to see if the others had followed.
The room that the portal led to was a room that was completely white. White ceilings, white floor, white furnishing, white everything. "This is where I stay. Benvolio doesn't know about this room. We are safe to talk here." He said reaching for the hood of the robe as to take it off.

Max Headroom

How the hell do I open this door? Mira thought, as he continued to look for a doorknob.

((Come on, I want to progress, but I can't)).