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Survival (Seriously, don't post. Lotsa work involved)

Started by sleepin_dude_99, January 21, 2008, 06:01:59 AM

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I'm posting this now, but it's barely complete. I barely have anything worked out except the story.


The Earth:

Population: Limited
Average IQ of Population: 189
Days until Apocalypse: Approximately One Earthen Month.

Cue awesome Death Note music

World War III.

It happened.

How it started? No one knows.

It's believed that Somewhere in the Middle East, possibly China, had launched a Nuclear Weapon at Japan.

Japan repented immediately after noticing the missile on their Military radars, with a nuke of their own.

The nuke had gone off-course, extremely off-course.

To Hawaii.



And that's how it supposedly started.

Just nukes flying all over the Earth left and right, passing each other, Mars laughing hysterically, etc. etc.

World almost goes kaplop.


It doesn't.

You survivors, well, survive.

You've gathered enough food for about a year, but the Earth simply keeps getting worse and worse every year.

Luckily, you're in Huston, texas.

Hey, right next to NASA!

There's a large Space shuttle there, fitting __ (Yeah, ummm, we'll decide on that when we get players...)

You're In a race to make room for yourself, get supplies, learn, live, and destroy.

SIGN-UP SHEET 1 (Sign-Ups closed for a while)

Physical Description
Mental Description
Intellectual Strong Point
Intellectual Weak Point
Physical Strong Point
Physical Weak Point
Class (explained Next post)
Job(Explained 3rd post)




They're pretty much what you excel at.

The shorter Part of the next few posts.

Classes are the most basic thing when you look at it from above.

You have Two Choices.




Simple, no?


Not simple.

Within these Classes are Sub-Classes.

For Instance, White Magic, Black Magic, Summoning, etc. for Magic.

Long Range, short range, Medium range etc. for Non-Magic.

Then, you have Sub-Class Part Duex

For Instance, Healing, Fire, Cute But Deadly, corresponding for Magic.

Archery, Swordsmanship, Spear, corresponding to Non-Magic

Next, Sub-Class Part Trois

Example: Health recovery, Blue Flames, Vampire Rabbits, corresponding to Magic

Crossbow, Broadsword, Javelin for Non-Magic.

Now, in some cases, there will be the Sub-Class Part Quatre, sometimes even a Part Cinq.

Ex: Health Sucking or Magic sucking Vampire Rabbits for magic, Magic Arrows or Non-Magic arrows for Crossbow.

To show which option you want, you will go in the order that the are in, The Beginning of the Parts to the end.


Magic > Black Magic > Fire > Blue Flames > Chemical reaction

Non-Magic > Short Range > Damn Long Sword > 7 Feet > .999 silver

Now, for the actual classes rather than demonstrations :P


Sub-Class Un
White Magic

White Magic is healing magic.

Pros: Able to heal allies and yourself in times of fighting

Cons: Not only does it take a long time to cast the actual healing spell, those with White Magic also tend to have lower stats (explained later), some darker potions hurt you.

Black Magic

Pros: Black Magic is meant specifically for damage and pain. You'll inflict a lot with most anything in here. Short casting time, also

Cons: Not what it's hyped up to be. You might end up exhausting yourself, leaving you open to attack. You have no healing skills, and some potions hurt you.

Gray Magic

Pros: A combination of Black and White Magic, originally dubbed "Red Magic", which made no sense, IMO, so I changed it. You can heal yourself and deal decent damage. A balanced MP and HP, also, rather than having too much of one thing.

Cons: Not able to use complete spells (I.E. Curaga & Firaga are not availible to Gray Magicians), and also has some negative effects from some items, like Black and White Magic.


Pros: Dude. Dragons. Vampire Bunnies. Armies. Anything you can think of, if you want to, you'll be able to summon it.

Cons: If you summon something that is too strong for you or something that you're bad at summoning (Example, Cat Summoner Summoning Dog. It just doesn't work).

Magical Weaponry

Pros:It's pretty much Non-Magic with Magic attached. You can wield Non-Magic weapons and wear non-magic equipment, making it magical.

Cons: You probably won't have high enough stats to use some Non-Magic things.


Sub-Class Un

(not done)