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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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Harver put on his cheesiest (sp?) grin, and stepped between the two about to fight, and said calmly, "Hey guys, no need to fight, right? Why don't we go out to eat, on me?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Solon glanced at Kai, wondering what his reaction would be at someone who actually didn't want a fight. But, suddenly Solon didn't care what Kai would think.

"I actually have somewhere to be, Harver," Solon lied. Then, he realized that this guy was an Emitter, and could help them find a sailor. "But, I can cancel my plans. I'm a bit hungry actually."


((Yes...yes I am!))
Name: Tanbar
Extra Info: Yes, this is Lanbar's twin ;)
Age: 32
Person: Sailor
Land: Crescent Island
Personality: His personality is a lot like Lanbar, however, he doesn't get drunk as often as his brother.
Looks: Just like Lanbar except his clothes are green instead of blue
Weapon: Crescent sword
Weapon 2: The Drunken Fist (once again, only when he's drunk)

Lanbar walked over to the nearby port and looked out at the ocean. "...Hey, is that my ship?" He said seeing a familiar ship come over the horizen at a quick speed. After a few moments, he saw that it was his ship. "That is my ship! Some bastard must of stolen it! Well I'll teach him!" He said unsheathing his crescent sword as the ship came to dock.


"That's great!" Harver exclaimed, relaxing a bit. "Come on, I know the perfect place!" Phew! That was a close one.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"I never duel on an empty stomach, where we going to eat and I better like it or I'm gonna kick your ass"


When the ship docked and let out a plank for people to get off from, Lanbar ran up it and jumped onto the ship. "Nobody takes MY ship!" He shouted.

"Nobody except for your brother." Said a smug voice from behind Lanbar.

"Tanbar?" Lanbar said spinning around to the voice.

"The one and only." Tanbar said happily.

"We haven't seen each other in years!" He said running up to Tanbar. They started to do various hand movements in synchronization that could only be presumed to be their brotherly handshake. "What are you doing here?"

"That's the thing. I just got this feeling that you were here and needed a sailor and then before I know it, I'm coming here!" He said excitedly.

"I suppose it is true about twins having that sixth sense." He said with a laugh. "Oh, you need to meet my new friends that I've met." He said grabbing Tanbar and pulling him off the ship.


((Finally, our much needed character!))

"Great," Solon replied, lightening up. He was pretty hungry since he slept through breakfast.


Lanbar was walking around the town with his twin Tanbar talking about what had happened since they had last met. Hm...I still don't see Solon and the others...Where are they?


Harver started walking, leading them to a place called 'Time Diner'. "This is my favorite place to go whenever I'm allowed to go outside my house." He smiled, remembering all the moments he spent here. "The food isn't too bad, either!" He walked in, expecting the others to follow.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"It better be good Harver" he said catching his fist with his hand while walking in/


((Nice pick up on how everything is related to time in the Land of Emit, which is convienently 'Time' spelled backwards :P. I'm so creative, aren't I?))

Solon felt his stomach growl, and eagerly followed Harver inside.


"Hey, no need to be so angry!" He said, as he quickly grabbed a booth. The inside looked like a normal diner would, excluding the ever so famous jukebox.

OOC// Can I control a minor character? Ex. a waiter/waitress? And yes, that was creative! I found that out when I was thinking for the name of the diner, and decided that it should be Emit spelled backwards. That was when I discovered the relation.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Lanbar saw Solon walking and ran over there with Tanbar following. "Solon! Hey!"


Kai sat down beside Harver "So what the hell is on the menus here"


Quote from: Sh0rTi on December 20, 2007, 04:32:49 PM
((Byyee FW and LS and I think somehow betrayal is gonna come into play somewhere.))

((You have no idea how right you are... I already have a betrayal plan in place... 8)