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Pokemon... Typing

Started by The Riddler, January 31, 2011, 07:03:51 PM

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The Riddler

QuoteDuring the investor meeting of Nintendo Japan today, details on Pokémon Typing DS were revealed. This DS game, which comes packaged with a Bluetooth keyboard which connects via Bluetooth in the game cart, is due for release in Japan in April 2011. This game is the first spin-off game of the 5th Generation. Not much is known about the game yet, but we'll bring more details on it as and when it comes but they also promise it'll be challenging for adults. Click the image to go to our section on this game
In addition to this, they confirmed that there are 3DS and Wii titles in development for the Pokémon series

oh god wat

also, bluetooth IN the game card? Interesting.


Yeah I heard this. I wonder what the purpose of this is... semi-educational like that "Battle and Get!" japan-only typing-like game we heard about months ago?
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.

Jhen Mohran

Bluetooth connection in 3DS game cartridges? That's got some potential right there.


If the keyboard is pokemon themed someone's going  to probably get it working on a computer.


It's just a regular DS game, not a 3DS one.

It'll probably be swept under the rug just like the new Kirby DS game.

Still, I want it. Might import it.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Tupin on February 05, 2011, 05:41:59 PM
It's just a regular DS game, not a 3DS one.

It'll probably be swept under the rug just like the new Kirby DS game.

Still, I want it. Might import it.
There's a new Kirby DS game?

This looks cool, but I don't see myself actually buying it. I already know how to type pretty fast.