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Existing (Pre) Evolution Discussion

Started by Macawmoses, April 26, 2011, 06:10:46 PM

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Quote from: JrDude 益 on April 26, 2011, 09:47:54 PM
Honestly, turning a Fox into anything that is has been turned into would be weird.
You just have to be creative. You don't necessarily have to make Eevee a bug, just give it like, Flygon eyes (which look like bug eyes), and maybe other bug features. But usually, the only thing they signified with the type it was is the color. (Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Leafeon had features that hinted to it's type as well, but the rest, they basically just made a fox-like creature with different features than one another, then changed it's color to match it's type).
I'm not saying make it bug, but I'm saying it's possible if you just put your mind to it.
Beyond eyes, it could also develop something of a shell (think beetle), wings, etc. I don't think it's that challenging to create something of the sort.

The thing I was thinking of was making it more like a stick/leaf-bug thing, in that it's very frail looking.


Whoa why do you guys prefer the bug evo idea? Ghost just makes more sense, the bug typing is interesting yeah, but Eevee evolving into a bug is lol worthy, despite an Eevee probably being capable of doing it seeing as that thing can evolve like mad.

Hell I'd prefer a Rock or Steel Eevee over Bug.


No one mentioned Fight. With the new trio of gen 5, we can make an Eevee Fighting type without making it stand on 2 legs.
Though I do like the ghost idea. Even poison could look pretty sweet.
But... I think Fly + Ground might be a cool idea. You know, opposites? Also that element thing Rob mentioned. Mainly for opposite's sake for me though.
Dude .


The thing to note pattern wise is that one always had the type advantage over the other.

Dark > Psychic
Ice > Grass

If we wanted to follow that, there are still options.


Having a Bug and a Poison will not continue the trend.

If you want to continue the trend, your options are:

Rock > Steel
Poison > Ground
Steel > Fighting

and I suppose to a lesser extent, Ground > Flying or Poison > Steel, given the immunities.


Ghost and Dragon would probably happen together if that's not coincidental, as they aren't super effective against anything, or weak to anything, that hasn't been used yet, besides themselves.

But if we want that, we can do:
[spoiler=All possibilities (Excluding Normal + Types already done)]
(The type on the right is super effective against the one on the left)
Rock + Fight
Steel + Fight
Fight + Fly
Bug + Fly
Poison + Ground
Rock + Ground
Steel + Ground
Fly + Rock
Bug + Rock
Rock + Steel

(Rock = 5, Fight = 3, Steel = 3, Fly = 3, Ground = 3, Bug = 2, Poison = 1, Ghost = 0, Dragon = 0, Total = 10 possibilities)
Dude .

The Riddler

For what it's worth, Dragon is the only "Special" typing not used on an Eevee yet. Everything else is considered Physical. Or was pre-gen5 anyway.


Quote from: Macawmoses on April 27, 2011, 12:23:13 AM
The thing to note pattern wise is that one always had the type advantage over the other.

Dark > Psychic
Ice > Grass

If we wanted to follow that, there are still options.
Except following that trend seriously limits us. And who's to say it was intentional? Espeon and Umbreon represent light/dark, or morning/night, or sun/moon. The type most fitting for "light" is Psychic, really. I don't think they purposely made it so one new Eeveelution has an advantage over the other.

In Gen IV, we had Grass. I can't see why they didn't do this in Gen I, or some other previous gen. Up until Gen IV's release in 2007, I always thought Grass seemed left out of the Eeveelution pattern. Why also Ice? Maybe the elemental thing? Not to mention Grass has a whopping five weaknesses, only one of which had been done at the time. All I'm saying is, we can't overlook the fact that it might only be coincidence the way the types have matched up.

When I look at Poison, I think it's a pretty poor type. It has only two weaknesses and an okay four resistances. But Poison only beats one other type: Grass, which is already beaten by four more types. I guess it's similar to Dragon, even though Dragon Pokémon have nearly always had more moves they could learn, with many of them being able to use all elemental moves like Surf, Flamethrower, etc.

However I have reasons for wanting to do Poison. Based on the design I have, it's radically different from the other Eeveelutions, but still similar enough. My design has given it a gloomy, sad expression, which sets it apart from the others but doesn't seem too abnormal. Also out of all the types, for whatever reason I doubt GameFreak will give us a Poison Eeveelution... what do I think we'll get? Rock or Ground. They make sense, as far as the "elements" idea, as I believe someone said, but that's why GameFreak is more likely to do them. I was hoping we could make Eeveelutions that would remain different from the real ones for a while, and if we get through Generation 6 without them, they'll last until (God forbid) they make an 8th generation.

That being said, I'm strongly supportive of the Poison/Steel idea... very strongly. Like Zero said, one still has an advantage other the other if you really want to go this route. What do you guys think?
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Yeah Poison and Steel sound good to me, but at the end of the day Bug and Ghost work too. I was more or less just interested as to why everyone seemed to be favoring the bug type idea.

If you end up going with the Bug idea and decide to draw it or something, for the love of all that is Pokemon try to avoid giving it compound eyes, lol.


Quote from: Zero on April 27, 2011, 03:44:22 PM
Yeah Poison and Steel sound good to me, but at the end of the day Bug and Ghost work too. I was more or less just interested as to why everyone seemed to be favoring the bug type idea.

If you end up going with the Bug idea and decide to draw it or something, for the love of all that is Pokemon try to avoid giving it compound eyes, lol.
Poison and Steel appear to be my favorites. However I might (MIGHT) draw a Bug eeveelution (a more complete sketch) but I'll probably hate it. And I'd already planned its eyes to be red. Red and somewhat angry. Or maybe yellow.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


I should point out that you said "appear to be my favourites". That sentence is illogical unless you don't know what your favourites are. Thus, I'm convinced that's an attempt (yet again) to force your own agenda...

Given the implication of "appear to be THE favourites", I'm just going to call bullpoop right now. Just a warning to everyone to watch that post.

And don't bother responding to this.


The more I think about/sketch ideas for Poison and Steel, the more I like them. I'm leaning towards them as a personal opinion, and I don't see anyone who has a problem with it so far.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


One person not objecting (Zero) hardly qualifies as broadly accepted.

The Riddler

Flying Eevee - White or Sky Blue with wings for ears. Vaporeon has Fins for ears so this isn't a stretch. It can have wings coming from it's ankles too, like Hermes Sandles.  If it needs a tuft of fur, make it soft and cloudy looking.

Needs to come in twos?
Strong to Bug, Fighting
or Weak to Rock.

Any of these would be acceptable.

Edit: A friend of mine sketched a Flying Eevee for me. I like it, alot.
She's also open to suggestions.

Off the topic of Eevees.

Larger duck, mischevious looking. It's brow is still there, but thicker. The LEEK is now either a full sized Onion-Club, or has been sharpened into something of a sword. Larger wings, more of a slender body.


On Eevee topic, I'm pretty sure it's not coincidence that each Eeveelution had the color of the type it was (Excluding shiny)
Even Eevee itself had some of the Normal color in it (The fur collar thing and the tip of the tail)
So if we had a Fly Eevee, it should be at least partially light violet, or maybe just violet, similar to the color Flying is on this
Maybe along with some sky blue like it used to be like this
(Grayness can be ignored, or used ultra partially)
Dude .